
sexta-feira, novembro 17, 2006

"Memo to Tom Cruise" 

A Variety tem rubricas curiosas que, por vezes, nos espantam. Aqui fica uma espécie de carta aberta ("memo") a Tom Cruise de um dos colunistas da revista norte-americana de cinema. Quando leio ou ouço a palavra inglesa "memo" (declaração de intenções, carta aberta... whatever), lembro-me sempre do "memo" que a personagem Jerry Maguire (curiosamente interpretada por Tom Cruise) escreveu e que o meteu em maus lençóis, levando-o a ter de colocar em prática aquilo que por lá falava. Aqui fica um memo ao próprio Tom Cruise:

Memo to Tom Cruise
Peter Bart - The Back Lot

You seem to be living at a remarkably high decibel level for someone who's recently been fired, Tom. Paramount may not want you, but filmmakers all over town are submitting projects for your approval as the new co-head of United Artists and you've just greenlighted one of them, co-starring Meryl Streep and (who else) Tom Cruise. Further, there's more buzz surrounding your wedding than there was around the release of "Mission: Impossible III."

And the CEOs of all the congloms (including Paramount's Brad Grey) have signed on to co-host a big charity dinner honoring you, as though to reinforce the question, "Why would anyone fire Tom Cruise?"

Since you continue to be at the center of the storm, Tom, I thought I'd pursue my policy of offering unsolicited advice about the conduct of your career and the rebirthing of United Artists:
continuar a ler na Variety

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