
segunda-feira, outubro 17, 2005

IMDb com 15 aninhos 

Parabéns ao IMDb. O arquivo cinematográfico na net. Descobri este site fantástico em 1999, esse belo ano. Desde aí tornei-me fã e cheguei mesmo a fazer um trabalho de faculdade sobre ele. Incrível como, tal como a Internet, hoje em dia seria muito dificil escrever sobre filmes sem o apoio indispensável deste arquivo muito completo e bem organizado.

Aqui poderão ver o site sobre o aniversário.

Deixo o texto que ilustra o aniversário do site:
«15 years ago this week (Oct 17th, exactly) the Internet Movie Database, in essence, took shape. In those 15 years we have enjoyed the camaraderie and marveled at the efforts of hundreds of thousands of participants with the site. It is due to everyone's hard work, attention to detail, diligence, and love of movies and media that the site is what it is today. The founders and staff cannot thank those who have contributed, corrected, criticized, coerced, and (sometimes) complimented us enough. This site is a testimony to the power of this medium and the power that movies have to inspire and to create a community. Here's to our next 15 years together.
As part of our anniversary we've done a retrospective, not only of
our own history, but of a brief history of film from 1990 - 2005. We've also asked our editors to add their top 15 films for the last 15 years. You can see some of the individual lists in rotation on the top right hand side of this page, and visit here for the full set. The list on the top left hand side of this page is an aggregate of that list, truly the best of the best, according to the editors at the IMDb. »
equipa do IMDb

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